Tuesday, October 19, 2010


(Deanna) Well it has been a bit since I last wrote the days seen to flying by these days.  I have my general routine in the morning ( get 8 year old off to school, make the beds, wash morning dishes, youngest some gets up feed him and change him, make coffee and have a bite to eat) seems simple, doable RIGHT!!
Well these last few days I don't know what it is but as soon as I get my oldest onto the bus I return home and find myself running to my bed for just 5 more mins.  My youngest sleeps till about 10 so I have a hour.  As soon as he gets up he is fed and changed and put into his day clothes we play and sing and then at noon he is down for the count agian and there's me running to my bed and I nap till 3 or so till my little man gets up and its not like I am getting up through the night I sleep so soundly that my fiance gets up with the baby.  So there is a few things wrong with this I am a bit of a neat freak and everything in our house has its place, so you could imagine how my house looks I was even to lazy last night to make a good meal I fed my famil Wacky Mac (a kosher version of KD).
While I was pregnant with my second I came down Gestational Diabetes since then I have been given a note to go get my blood tested to see of is gone its a 2 hr test so I cant bring the little one could you imagine.
So the timing is an issue but most of all I am scared to go.  Diabites is all over my family and doctors have said I have a great chance of getting it.  I know I know its better if I go incase something happens right.
Well here's to me going to get tested fingers crossed.

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