Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mum Down!

I'm sure you've heard the term " Man down!" ...well it's just not suiting for us here. The other day, I woke up with such pain in my shoulder , I was in tears trying not to wake the family. Stretching only made it worse, and Tylenol didn't do anything. OUCH! I had to drive the kids to an indoor playground thing, and I had to shift [I drive an automatic] from Park-Drive with my left hand, because it just hurt too much with my right. I did what any busy mum of 3 would do....I tried to forget about it. I pretended it didn't exist, all day- and I did a fairly good job at it until I was preparing dinner, and reached into the cupboard with my right hand, forgetting....OUCH! Almost dropped the pot onto my (bare) foot.
I went to sleep that night, trying to forget again, and that didn't happen. I managed to get to sleep, but over compensated- so woke up with a pain in the shoulder, and a stiff back. Long story short-
I went to an RMT (lucky to get in on a Friday night!) and she started feeling around my back, shoulders, neck. (rmt)" Wow! What did you say you did as a job?"     ... (me) uhm, I have 3 kids ages 4yrs and So I've messed up my rotator cuff, somehow- maybe by slinging my 2yr old over that shoulder (in my Hot Slings), with diaper bag, purse, and extra clothes bag slung over the other arm, and the carseat with our youngest still in it, in the other hand.
Oh the joys of being a supermum! So she advised me to take the weekend off...sit back, relax and let hubby manage the children, fold the laundry, and pick up anything heavy that needs to be picked up. Sounds like a perscription for a little slice of heaven. I'm sitting here now, with Manning [my 9month old] munching on a natural teething biscuit (he has milk and soy protein induced colitis, hyper active metabolic rate, AND gerd...) and I'm blogging...because I cannot sit and do nothing, ever. I still haven't been able to come up with a clever name for our boutique, that hasn't already been taken already. Deanna - maybe you've got better luck than me!

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